The pillow heat exchanger or dimple plate heat exchanger is an innovative piece of equipment that we have extrapolated from the food industry to other sectors such as the pharmaceutical, paper, chemical or energy industries. This industrial refrigeration system is traditionally used in the dairy industry (eg ice cream, yoghurts, milk or cream), in the meat industry (eg egg products) and in the treatment of fish and shellfish.

As it is a heat recovery system with a soft relief that gives it great ease of hygiene, with a construction technique that optimizes thermodynamic transfer, with a robustness that allows it to work at high pressures and high temperatures, as well like its versatility working with liquid/gas and liquid/liquid, we can apply it in projects of very different natures.

Some of these projects can be the production of ice, the cooling of a liquid such as water, beer, wine, soft drinks or fruit juices, the recovery of heat from steam, immersion coolers, special transports or in distillation systems.

Its resistance and durability allows it to respond to demanding projects, with viscous fluids and with sediments such as mud and sand.



Single or double relief, these innovative plate heat exchangers are versatile and work on extreme projects such as contaminated media, viscous fluids and sludge. They are excellent for the dairy, beer, wine industry, chocolate spirits, seafood, bulk solids, pharmaceuticals, power plants and paper mills.

Applications: Energy, oil and gas, food and beverages, agriculture and greenhouses, chemical, heavy industry, naval, air conditioning, refrigeration, purification, transport and marine plants.


2 years

Smart details

Easy to clean


Large flow capacity


To dirty medium


Inspection and hygiene

The construction, with or without casing, allows easy inspection and hygiene, being an ideal solution for drying fluids with sediments, energy recovery and distillation.

Custom construction

Especially useful in heat exchange between liquids and gas, liquids and liquids and the energy recovery of steam. Its custom construction fits with available spaces.

Soft relief

With an innovative technology that provides a flexible, resistant and soft relief, it minimizes dead spots by optimizing the heat exchange coefficient.