On the electronic side, we highlight the data centers, a sector in constant evolution that needs cutting-edge technology as well as air treatment equipment that allows the servers to function properly, maximizing energy efficiency.

Data centers require a lot of energy and therefore heat exchangers and energy recuperators become one of the primary factors to guarantee their efficiency and competitiveness.

From BOIXAC we offer multiple solutions to respond to this field, from the detailed study of its requirements, through the use of free cooling systems, to the design and manufacture of air conditioning modules specially designed for data centers.

Intercambiador de calor fabricado a medida

Sized solutions specially designed for each project.

Intercambiadores de calor puntualidad

Accurate forecasts for correct coordination.

Intercambiador de calor resistente

Products subject to strict quality controls.

Intercambiador de calor stock

Complete service, we include transport to your factory.

In addition, data centers may also need other equipment such as air coolers and condensers that allow maintaining optimal temperatures, maximizing performance and extending the useful life of the servers.

Heat recovery units for data centers

Dry cooler

Dry coolers for data centers that provide low energy costs, low water consumption and the use of free cooling reducing operational costs.

Fins and tubes heat exchanger

Tube and fin heat exchangers designed with different configurations to optimize existing facilities by reducing energy consumption.

Air cooler

Condenser for cooling data center server rooms and minimize the risk of server crashes with the resulting cost.