Heat exchanger to produce ice

HEAT EXCHANGER TO PRODUCE ICE AND SAVE ENERGY SMART ENERGY SAVING SYSTEM Some production processes and large conditioning systems require significant amounts of cold. Traditionally, this implies the need to install high-power refrigeration equipment with the consequent purchase cost, energy cost and maintenance cost. The I-SNAKE heat exchanger produces and stores ice crowns around it during the hours of least energy demand, for example at night. This allows that, during the operational hours, generally the daytime slots where the energy cost is more expensive, we have an important source of additional cooling, produced at a low cost and, therefore, we can achieve the same performance with machines of lower energy capacity. Among the products that can be especially interesting for this application we find: 1. Pillow plate heat exschanger. 2. Smooth tubes heat exchanger. 3. Cooling jacket. 4. Ice producer.